%鑫阿,李维刚,林欣东,林毅琛,姜玉航,徐玉航,张美玉,张启林,王阿,林锋,连冰%D 2022 %J微生物学前沿%C %F %G英语%K格莱氏环螯杆菌,口腔乳杆菌,基因组特征,抗氧化酶,肠道微生物组%Q %R 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1014970 %W %L %M %P %7 %8 2022- 10月-27 %9原创研究%# %!LAB益生菌:基因组,水产养殖%* %< %T宿主相关唾液乳酸杆菌全基因组分析及对格莱汉鱼肝脏抗氧化酶和肠道微生物的影响%U //www.gosselinpr.com/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2022.1014970 %V 13% 0格莱汉鱼是中国云南省特有鱼类,其肠道中蕴藏着丰富的潜在益生菌资源。然而,其肠道中益生菌潜能菌的基因组特征及其对格雷哈米葡萄球菌的影响尚未确定。在这项研究中,我们研究了一个菌株,唾液乳杆菌S01的功能基因组学和宿主反应,从S. grahami肠道分离(圈养繁殖)。结果表明,该基因组全长1737,623 bp (GC含量33.09%),由1895个基因组成,其中rRNA操纵子22个,转移RNA基因78个。通过antiSMASH和BAGEL4数据库预测,鉴定出三个抗菌物质相关基因簇。此外,人工检测证实,L. salivarius S01基因组中存在与抗胁迫、粘附、免疫相关的功能基因,以及其他负责益生菌潜能的基因。随后,通过在饲粮中添加细菌,研究了L. salivarius S01的体内益生菌效应。结果表明,潜在的益生菌补充增加了肝脏中抗氧化酶(SOD、CAT和POD)的活性,并降低了氧化损伤(MDA)。此外,利用高通量测序比较了不同治疗组的肠道微生物群落和格雷哈米葡萄球菌的多样性。 The diversity index of the gut microbial community in the group supplemented with potential probiotics was higher than that in the control group, indicating that supplementation with potential probiotics increased gut microbial diversity. At the phylum level, the abundance of Proteobacteria decreased with potential probiotic supplementation, while the abundance of Firmicutes, Actinobacteriota, and Bacteroidota increased. At the genus level, there was a decrease in the abundance of the pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas and an increase in the abundance of the potential probiotic bacterium Bifidobacterium. The results of this study suggest that L. salivarius S01 is a promising potential probiotic candidate that provides multiple benefits for the microbiome of S. grahami.